REA 10th Symposium: Call for contributions

Extended Deadline and other information

Resilience at frontiers, frontiers of resilience

The 10th Resilience Engineering Symposium’s philosophy is to mix and bridge scientific contributions, practitioners’ experiences, industrial testimonies, and original presentations while leaving room for discussions and debates. The idea is to provide advances in both theory and in practical applications.

The Symposium’s theme focuses on understanding how systems adjust their behavior when approaching boundaries. In addition, the theme will explore the limits and scope of the Resilience Engineering perspective to support systems coping with actual and future complexities. Both theoretical and practical contributions about the Resilience Engineering perspective on safety management are also welcomed as well as industrial panels to provide a forum for stakeholders to share experiences on practical implementations and discuss issues relating to coping with past, actual, or future complex crises. Finally, we also invite contributions studying how Resilience captures the popular imagination and inspires creative works, such as analysing different forms of artistic visualization of Resilience.

Paper proposals will be peer-reviewed, and authors will be invited to present their contributions orally, by a poster, or with a five-minute pitch.

Important dates

  • Symposium dates: 28-30 June 2023
  • Paper (8 pages maximum) submission deadline: 28 February 2023
  • Acceptance: 23 March 2023
  • Final revised paper deadline: 28 April 2023

Information and Contacts

General theme

Using concepts of frontiers, borders, or boundaries in Resilience Engineering involves a paradox. On the one hand, they are omnipresent; on the other hand, the nature of boundaries and their neighborhood is rarely elaborated. Boundaries can be broadly defined as categories of difference that create distinctions between systems. They are a line between order relationships that creates a fuzzy zone-like phenomenon of inclusive disjunction identified as “neither/nor” or “both/and.” The goal of the symposium is to deepen the description of relationships between resilience capacities and boundaries (we look for progress in knowledge or in practice):

  • What is the nature of boundaries to be considered by Resilience Engineering studies and applications?
  • How do their nature and dynamic affect adaptive capacities?
  • How do other boundaries (organizational, national, or geographical) affect systems’ adaptive capacities?

The Resilience Engineering perspective emerges to support organizations coping with the increasing complexity of their environment. Since the first symposium, the Resilience Engineering community has proposed theoretical and practical solutions to contribute to this issue. During the same period, globalization, conflicts, technological innovation, and digital transformation accelerated the complexification of an organization’s environment. Therefore, the second ambition of the symposium is to learn from studies or practical experiences on how the Resilience Engineering perspective adapts to support organizations coping with the next generation of complex threats and opportunities.

  • How does the Resilience Engineering perspective adapt to support organizations coping with this new complexity?
  • What is the actual and future nature of complex threats and opportunities?
  • What are the limits of the Resilience Engineering perspective towards their complexity?
  • Are there principles, concepts and practices that can be scaled-up (or not) from resilient systems to resilient organisations towards resilient societies?


Contributions related to traditional Resilience Engineering topics are also welcomed.

Industrial panel

An industrial panel is to provide a forum for stakeholders to share experiences on practical applications and discuss issues relating to the adoption of Resilience Engineering in Industry. Contact us if you would be interested in being involved.

Workshops or special session

Contact Eric Rigaud ( if you want to submit a workshop or a special session.

Visualizing resilience

We will welcome contributions studying how Resilience captures the popular imagination and inspires creative works, which influence the forces shaping Resilience, such as analysis of photography, painting, poetry, short fiction, movie, video, comic, music, documentary, and other forms of artistic visualization of Resilience.

Young Talent Program

For the 6th time, the symposium will host the Young Talent Program, a one-day workshop for Masters and PhD students pursuing research in Resilience Engineering (RE). During the workshop, the students will have the opportunity to present their work and receive feedback from mentors, who are all prominent experts in the field. Find more information here.